
Healing Novena to Our Lady of the Snows

Novena Prayers to Our Lady of the Snows

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought the intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


  • Our Father...
  • Hail Mary...
  • Our Lady of the Snows, pray for us.
  • St. Joseph, pray for us.
  • St. Therese, The Little Flower, pray for us.
  • St. Eugene De Mazenod, pray for us.
  • Glory be to the Father...

Jump to Day One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine

Day One  Top

Healing from a Loved One's Death

Death is something we all must face — the death of those we love and eventually our own death. It is never easy; sometimes it seems unbearable. Yet God has promised us a way to be reunited with those we love someday.

Although the pain of death never completely goes away, we must also recall all the blessings and love we have received from those we have loved in this life. The gift of friendship is a precious thing and something that helps shape who we are in this world. It is the way we come to know and experience God's love for us.

Mary, too, knew the pain of losing those she loved. During her life she experienced the death of her husband Joseph and her only Son, Jesus. We can go to her in our prayers asking for comfort and strength in our own losses.

Prayer for Healing from a Loved One's Death

Holy Spirit, You were given to the apostles to be a source of strength and comfort in the loss they experienced in Jesus' death. I come to You in need of that same consolation.

God, You have loved me in a special way through the relationships and friendships I have had. Now, in Your wisdom, You have called my loved one back to live eternally with You. The pain and loss I feel seems to surround me and leave me feeling empty and helpless.

I pray, too, Lord, for all those who suffer the pain of losing those they loved. Give them peace of mind in knowning that You have granted eternal rest to all those deceased memebers of their family. Comfort and guide those who are trying to cope with a recent death.

Stregthen those who will die today, granting them inner peace as they journey into Your heavenly kingdom. Remember also those who are caring for their loved ones as they near their death. May they be consoled in the knowledge that someday they will be rejoined in eternal life with You. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, who held in her heart the pain of losing those she loved.


Scripture Passage
Wisdom 3:1-9

"The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them... They are in peace."

Day Two  Top

Healing of Social Injustices

Jesus called His apostles to build the Kingdom of God where justice reigns in everyone's lives. Many times we look at the world around us and see a place where Jesus' love and example are not present to the people living there.

Young boys and girls go to bed hungry. Families are torn apart by wars. Teenagers are becoming parents while they are still children. The news reports that the mentally ill are left homeless on the streets. Men and women are locked away for their political beliefs. The elderly are forgotten and alone. Often the abuse of drugs, money, and power create hurtful situations in the lives of those we love. Crimes of hate or greed, prejudice or violence create fear in our schools and workplaces, even in our neighborhoods.

We need to pray each day, "Thy Kingdom come… on earth as it is in Heaven."

Prayer for Healing of Social Injustices

Eternal Father, I come to You in my need. You have created me in Your goodness. Give me the peace of mind to know You are present in our world today, even amidst the social injustices many people are experiencing.

I pray for those who are victims of such injustice. Grant Your healing to those who forever live with memories of warfare and crime. Comfort those who have suffered from others' abuse of power, and political and economic decisions. Give the leaders of our churches and communities the opportunities to make Your Son present in the lives of those who are suffering most. Bless our world with leaders who seek Your wisdom to find solutions to the effects of poverty, war, and prejudice.

May all of us who have endured the pain of injustice come to know Your healing love. I ask this as Your child, one with Christ my Brother.


Scripture Passage
Matthew, 5:1-11

"Blessed are they who are persecuted, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Day Three  Top

Healing from Spiritual Afflictions

Faith is a gift from God given to all those who ask for it. It is also a treasure each family hopes to pass down to the next generation. For those who believe, it is the only way we can truly journey through this life. It is what makes sense out of everything else in the world. It is a relationship with One Who is greater than ourselves, more powerful than the evil we see around us, Whose love for us is lasting.

Although most of us profess our faith in God, we all must struggle at times with its reality in our lives. When loved ones die, we ask, "How can God let this happen to me?" When natural disasters and crimes take innocent lives, we ponder, "Why didn't God Do something about this?" At times, God can seems so far away and His love so absent in us that we consider abandoning our faith. Some even choose to shut themselves off from God and try to go it alone.

As part of the Body of Christ, we also must pray for each other, especially those who have forsaken their faith in God. It is through our prayerful intercession that these lost ones can respond to God once again in their lives.

Prayer for Healing from Spiritual Afflictions

Holy Spirit, You were sent to us to be God's presence in our lives. I pray that you fill my heart with His love and nourish my faith. Remove the doubts I have and strengthen my belief in the One Who created me and continues to love me each day.

I pray, too, for all those who struggle deeply with their faith. Show them how better to understand and accept God's will in their lives.

Above all, be with those who have abandoned their faith in God. Grant them the guidance of others who can witness God's powerful presence in the world around them. May they feel their Heavenly Father's love for them and acknowledge their faith in God. I ask this through Jesus and His mother Mary who both knew well God's power in their lives.


Scripture Passage
Romans 8:35-38

"Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Trial or distress, or persecution or hunger or nakedness, or danger, or the sword? ... (nothing) will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ the Lord."

Day Four  Top

Healing from Violence and Abuse

Society teaches us that each person deserves respect as an individual; our faith reminds us that everything created by God deserves to be respected. However, daily we see examples of people who are victimized because they are not respected. This lack of respect often leads to violence and abuse.

God created the world and calls us to have reverence for it. From the very beginning, Adam and Eve showed their lack of respect for God and each other. Yet God did not give up. He sent His Son to show us how to give each person dignity and respect. In all the Jesus did while here on earth, we can see examples of charity, understanding, and respect for all human beings, sinners and saints alike.

We are called to continue Jesus' work on earth. With the help of the Holy SPirit, we can reach out to others with a genuine respect for all life.

Prayer for Healing from Violence and Abuse

Jesus, You showed us how to respect the dignity of all people; yet You suffered indignity and violence as You died on the cross for our salvation.

I pray, too, for all those who find themselves in situations where they are neglected or abused by others. Grant freedom to family members from the physical violence and emotional abuse they suffer. Help us find ways to end all spousal abuse and disrespect. Give protection to those in dangerous occupations who work to try to bring an end to violence in our society.

Finally, God my Father, I ask peace of mind for those who have endured abose and disrespect of any kind. May they find in Your love the comfort they need and come to know their own dignity as one of Your children.


Scripture Passage
Psalm 8

"When I look at Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars thay You have established; what are human beings that You are mindful of them, mortals that You care for them? Yet You have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor."

Day Five  Top

Healing from Emotional Difficulties

It is unrealistic for us to think that we will never be sad or scared or confused. However, some people find it very difficult to make it through each day without being overwhelmed emotionally. Depression, paranoia, and dementia can take their toll on the families of those who suffer these disabilities. Remind us that we can turn to the Lord to calm our fears. He is always with us, reaching out with His peace to quiet the "storms" in our life.

Prayer for Healing of Emotional Difficulties

Jesus, You calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, and Your apostles were amazed at Your power over the wind and rain. You comforted Mary and Martha in their sadness at Lazarus' death. You called forth the unclean spirits in people as You ministeered each day in Judea. You offered the gift of the Holy Spirit to Your followers that they might no longer be afraid after Your death.

I come to You, Lord, in my own need of Your peace. Calm my fears and give me the courage to face each day. Oopen my eyes to the goodness around me, put a joyful spirit within me, help me to know You are always with me.

Send Your Holy Spirit to all those afflicted with emotional problems. Inspire in all of us compassion for those living with mental disorders, especially those suffering from depression and anxiety. Guide their doctors and nurses that they may see their work as a ministry of Your love.

I pray, too, for all those who face stressful and difficult emotional situations in their lives. Give them Your wisdom and discernment that they many find peace in knowning Your will and doing it. Instill in all of our hearts a thirst for daily prayer so that we may be refreshed and renewed in Your Father's love. We make these requests as Your brothers and sisters, ever grateful for Your gift of salvation.


Scripture Passage
Galatians 5:22-26

"In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patient endurance, kindness, generosity, faith, gentleness, and self-control."

Day Six  Top

Healing from Financial Stresses

Not having enough financial resources is something we all worry about some time in our lives. There never seems to be enought to go around in many households. For some in society, acquiring the necessities of life is a constant struggle; for others there just always seems to be one more bill to pay; for still others there is a nagging feeling in the back of their minds that they might not have saved enough for retirement.

Prayer for Healing from Financial Stresses

Heavenly Father, You give me Your love and tell me it is all I need. You ask me to trust You for the necessties in life. Heal me of the insecurity I have about my future.

Lord, I preay especially for those who do not have the bare essentials in life. Open doors for those who seek good employment opportunities. Awaken in the herats of those who employ others their responbility to provide living wages to those who work for them. Grant assistance to those who are struggling to recover from financial crisis and natural disasters. May those who are elderly and retired find security for the rest of their days.

God, give each of us an awareness of how we can share what we have with those most in need. May our generosity bring Your healing and peace to our brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord.


Scripture Passage
Matthew 6:25-35

"Your Heavenly Father knows all that you need. Seek first His kingdom over you, his way of holiness, and all these things will be given you besides."

Day Seven  Top

Healing Within Families

Each of us belongs to a family and yet no two families look exactly alike. Our childhood brought us many different memories from those of our children, our friends, or others we meet. Yet because families consist of people living together, we all have some things in common. We share times of joy and times of sadness, times of love and times of anger, times of closeness and times of hurt.

In every family situation, there are many different relationships, people through whom we find God in our lives. As time goes on, these relationships change from being a child and sibling, to being a wife or husband, a student or coworker, perhaps from being a mother or father to being a grandmother or grandfather. Each time a relaionship develops, we are offered new joys and new challenges.

As Christians, we are not families alone. God is part of each of our families and extends His grace to us throughout or journey through life. We have the Holy Family — Joseph, Mary, and Jesus — to pray for us as we struggle in our own families. Let us pray for ourselves and all those families in need of our prayers.

Prayer for Healing Within Families

Heavenly Father, I come to You with the needs of my family. You have blessed us with Your love and given us many good things. However, at times we have our crosses to bear. It is difficult for us to always understand each other. Help me and my family grow in our love and support for one another.

I pray, too, for all families. Grant your peace to those husbands and wives seeking reconciliation with each other. Strengthen the relationships of parents, children, siblings, in-laws, and all family members. Comfort those who have lost their loved ones through death or separation. Heal and sustain those who suffer the pain of divorce.

May we all experience the love and care You offer us as Your sons and daughters. I ask this through the intercession of the Holy Family — Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.


Scripture Passage
Colossians 3:12-21

"Because you are God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy, with kindness, humility, meekness, and patience."

Day Eight  Top

Healing of Physical Infirmities

There is none among us who has not known physical pain sometime in our life. We all get sick with colds or the flu. However, many people face pain every waking moment of their days.

It does not matter whether our discomfort is temporary or chronic, it is difficult for us to see how anything good can come from it. For some, God offers healing that His name may be glorified. For others, though, God offers the opportunity to walk with His Son Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. We must turn our eyes toward the crucified Christ. He, too, asked that this cup might be taken from Him. Yet He wanted God's will to be done even in the moment of His agony.

Just as Christ embraced the cross and led Dismas, one of the crucified thieves, to God, our own acceptance of the crosses in life can lead others to God. Let us pray for those who are faced with physical infirmities, that they may be healed in accordance with God's will.

Prayer for Healing of Physical Infirmities

God, You created us in Your goodness. I come to You seeking a return to physical wholeness for myself and those I love. It is difficult to give You praise when my body is in pain.

I pray, too, for all those who are suffering physical pain. Heal those in my family who are ill. Cure those afflicted with a terminal illness. Guide those in the health care professions that they may be wise and compassionate to those they treat. Grant steadfastness and courage to those whom You have called to accept their suffering for the redemption of the world.

Finally, Lord, I pray for good health and freedom from all illness for myself and all Your people. Protect us and be with us each day, O loving Father. I ask this through Christ my Savior.


Scripture Passage
Luke 22:39-46

"He went down on His knees and prayed in these words: 'Father, if it is Your will, take this cup from me; yet not my will but Yours be done.'"

Day Nine  Top

Thanksgiving for Healings Received

Throughtout our lives, we turn to the Lord with many problems and we receive many blessings in return. When we are in the midst of turmoil and anxiety, it is sometimes difficult for us to remember the healing that has taken place at other times over the years. It is good to reflect on our lives, and give thanks for all the times the Lord has been there, walking with us through the dark valleys.

Each of us could paint a unique picture of the blessings we have received. Fond memories of a healthy childhood, the love of a faithful spouse, a home filled with the laughter of friends and family. All these and more fill the canvas of our lives. Our blessings abound and so should our thankfulness to God who has provided them.

Not everyone shares in this picture, though. Some people find many crosses painted within the frame of their lives. It is more difficult for them to search out the hidden workings of God over the years. Yet ours is a God over the years. Yet ours is a God of Resurrection, and no life is untouched by His blessings. These blessings may be at peace that comes in the midst of a stressful situation, the caring action of someone at a time when we need to know we are loved, the smile of a passerby wishing us a good day. In these and many other ways, God is reaching out to us with His love and healing.

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Healings Received

Heavenly Father, You have created me and walked with me throughout my entire life. Some days it is very easy to see Your presence and know Your love. Other days I must search to find the more subtle signs of Your love and presence in my life. Open my eyes to Your marvelous gifts and lead me to give You thanks and praise always.

Jesus, my Savior and Brother, thank you for showing me how much I am loved. You carry my cross with me each day, ever ready to bring me Your Father's peace.

Holy Spirit, fill me with thankfulness for all God puts in my life. Give me the eyes that can see all the blessings I receive each day and a heart that never ceases to marvel at God's wonder.


Scripture Passage
Philippians 4:4-7

"Rejoice in the Lord always!... Then God's own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus."


Lurz... more than just a family name!

 © Copyright 2003, Joseph Skora
 Page Updated 05/22/2003